Terms of Service


“Guest” a person who has booked an Event for themselves or for a group of people. The directives of one Guest apply to all Guests on that booking.

“Event” is the planned social occasion provided by CSV and booked by Guest.

“CSV” is Culture Scout Valencia, the provider of the Event.

Weather and Location

Events are weather dependent and may be rescheduled by CSV as needed.

Locations may be adjusted as needed due to traffic, construction or other circumstances.

In the event of rain or high winds or at the discretion of the guide, some Events may be moved indoors.

Health and Safety

Events are provided by private guides and chefs and carry no insurance.

Allergies and dietary restrictions can be accommodated with at least 48 hours advance notice.

All food and drinks are prepared by a private chef in a private kitchen.

Events are not suitable for Guests with mobility impairments. By booking the Event, Guest confirms that all attendees are medically fit for the Event.

Guests are required to advise CSV not later than 2 days before the trip of any condition, medical or otherwise, that might affect Guests enjoyment of the trip, including but not limited to, conditions such as asthma, diabetes and allergies. If any Guest has a medical condition that may affect the health or safety of others the Guest is required to notify CSV in writing before booking your trip.

In the event of a medical emergency arising all Guests consent to the administration of First Aid measures as may be determined necessary by CSVr or any other person present at the Event. Guest further consents to any medical treatment being administered by the Emergency Services that such services deem suitable or necessary.


Booking of Event includes consent to have photos taken of all Guests which may be used for marketing or any other purpose CSV desires.


CSV does not accept pets on Events due to safety reasons because pets can distract Guests and cause a tripping risk or trigger allergies.

Guests are advised to not bring valuables on our trips. All baggage and personal items brought are done so at your own risk and knowing that CSV does not have insurance for them.

CSV is not responsible for any loss, damage or accident to any personal property.


Tickets to any exhibitions or building interiors (Events typically include visits to the building exteriors only), tips, personal expenses during the tour.

Personal Statement of Guest

I understand that by taking part in Events CSV offers include the element of risk that I accept. I further confirm that I am medically fit to take part in such Events.

I also assume responsibility of keeping myself safe – such as, but not limited to being careful when walking on sidewalks, uneven surfaces or stairs.

I declare I will not do anything to put any other person or property at risk.

If Guest fails to fulfill these requirements, CSV reserves the right to cancel Guest booking or participation in certain Events without the right to a refund.